Frequently Asked Questions - Discountedlabs
How is DiscountedLabs.com different from any other lab test companies in the market? What states do you serve ?
DiscountedLabs.com was founded by frustrated self-reliant health advocates that needed more economical access to lab tests.
At DiscountedLabs.com we provide you with a doctor's prescription for your blood tests (every order is reviewed by a clinician).
We currently serve the following states:
Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Washington.
We pride ourselves on having the best prices available in most U.S. states (except NY, NJ, AZ, and RI). We are also committed to educating people about what blood tests mean via our blog and education pages. We also keep our blood test menu concise and simple so that you can find what you need faster. To make it easy for you, we have also created common blood test panels ordered by physicians for different conditions.
Can I use my HSA account to make payment for lab tests on DiscountedLabs.com (DL)?
The decision is not up to us- it’s up to the customers HSA carrier/insurance company to accept the charges as a health care expense. The customer can try to submit expenses to his/her HSA insurance company. However, if his/her HSA company comes back with a request for more information about the transaction, we will not be responsible for providing such information.
I am a physician and interested in saving my patients money on blood tests. Can I work with DiscountedLabs as a physician?
Email us at [email protected] to ask us about our physician lab network.
How does Discounted Labs protect my privacy?
Discounted Labs has a commitment to privacy for its customers. All credit card transactions are encrypted and insured. We will not sell or provide secure proprietary information input by customers to any outside parties. All customer information is kept on private, HIPAA-compliant servers