CBC + CMP + Lipids

This panel includes CBC (Complete Blood Count) with differential, CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel), and Lipid Panel (LDL, HDL, Triglycerides). There are a total of 30 tests included in this panel for a very low price.
This panel includes CBC (Complete Blood Count) with differential, CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel), and Lipid Panel (LDL, HDL, Triglycerides). There are a total of 30 tests included!
Table of Contents
- The CBC with Differential Panel Includes
- The Comp Metabolic Panel or CMP panel
- 1. Sodium (Na)
- 2. Potassium (K)
- 3. Chloride (C)
- 4. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
- 5. Albumin (Alb)
- 6. Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
- 7. Bilirubin (Bil) Total
- 8. Aspartate Transaminase (AST)
- 9. Transaminase (ALT)
- 10. Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
- 11. Total Protein
- 12. Calcium (Ca)
- 13. Creatinine (Cr) with calculated eGFR
- 14. Glucose
- The Lipids Panel:
- How Does a Cholesterol Test Work?
- The Lipid Profile Panel Measures the Following Tests:
The CBC with Differential Panel Includes
Blood red cell measurements:
RBC, red blood cells known as erythrocytes, transport oxygen from your lungs to your body's tissues and organs.
The total amount of RBCs in your blood sample is known as the RBC count. Several fundamental RBC measures are made during a CBC test:
The total amount of RBCs in your blood sample is known as the RBC count.
The amount of this oxygen-carrying protein contained inside RBCs is quantified by hemoglobin.
The amount of RBCs in your blood as a percentage of total blood volume is measured by hematocrit.
A CBC also offers information on the RBC's external characteristics. These are referred to as RBC indices, and there are various types of them:
The average size of RBC is determined by a technique called mean corpuscular volume (MCV).
The average quantity of hemoglobin inside each RBC is known as mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH).
A determined indicator of how concentrated hemoglobin is within RBCs is the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC).
Red cell distribution width (RDW) measures how much your RBCs' sizes vary.
Reticulocyte count, or the total number of freshly released young RBCs in your blood sample, may be included in the CBC. Another way to measure it is as a percentage.
White Blood Cell Measurements
WBCs, also known as leukocytes, are a crucial component of the body's immune system.
The total number of WBCs in a blood sample is measured by the WBC count, which is part of a typical CBC.
The CBC with differential is one of the most popular CBC variations. The five different types of WBCs are broken down into the WBC differential as follows:
Most white blood cells (WBCs) are composed of neutrophils made by the bone marrow to combat a wide range of inflammatory and infectious disorders.
B-cells and T-cells, two types of lymphocytes fighting bacteria and other blood pathogens, are mainly located in the lymphatic system.
Monocytes: Monocytes eliminate damaged or dead cells while collaborating with neutrophils to fight infections and other disorders.
Eosinophils: Eosinophils are WBCs that become activated in response to some illnesses and allergies.
Basophils: Basophils play a role in wound healing, allergic reactions, and the early detection of infections.
A CBC with differential may be performed as part of basic blood testing, or it may be done if the original standard CBC is abnormal. The CBC with differential can be used to spot aberrant amounts of particular WBCs since each kind of WBC has a different purpose and can provide information about underlying health issues.
Platelet Measurements
Blood-circulating cell fragments known as platelets (PLT), also known as thrombocytes, are crucial for blood coagulation. PLT aid in stopping bleeding when an injury occurs by adhering to the injury site and clumping together to create a temporary stopper.
The PLT count, or the quantity of PLT in your blood sample, is a regular part of the CBC.
Your doctor may occasionally request that the lab measure the mean PLT volume (MPV), which establishes the typical size of PLT.
The Comp Metabolic Panel or CMP panel
This panel consists of 14 blood tests, an initial medical screening tool to review overall health. The CMP blood test panel checks for kidney function, liver function, and electrolyte and fluid balance. FASTING IS REQUIRED. These are the tests included:
1. Sodium (Na)
Sodium is one of the body's principal minerals, regulated by the kidneys. It plays a vital role in water balance in your body. A low sodium level may be caused by diarrhea, vomiting, or excessive sweating. A high level can be caused by dehydration, excessive salt intake in your diet, or certain diseases. Numerous drugs, including diuretics, certain blood pressure medications, and steroids, may alter the sodium level.
2. Potassium (K)
Potassium is one of the body's principal minerals, primarily inside cells. It helps maintain water balance and proper function of nerves and muscles. Low or high levels in the blood are of critical significance and should be evaluated by your healthcare provider. This is especially important if you are taking a diuretic or heart medication. A high level may indicate kidney or liver disease, too much medication, or bodily injury, such as a burn. A low potassium level can develop rapidly, most frequently produced as a side effect of drugs that cause increased urination.
3. Chloride (C)
Chloride is one of the body's minerals involved with water balance. Most body chloride comes from salt in the diet. A high chloride level may mean severe dehydration, certain kidney disorders, or hyperventilation. A low chloride level may result from excessive vomiting, diarrhea, severe burns, excessive sweating, or kidney failure. Borderline low or high levels of chloride have very little significance.
4. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
n the body, most of the carbon dioxide (CO2) is in the form of a substance called bicarbonate (HCO3). Therefore, the CO2 blood test measures your blood bicarbonate level. Changes in your CO2 level may suggest that you lose or retain fluid, which causes an imbalance in your body's electrolytes. CO2 levels in the blood are influenced by kidney and lung function. The kidneys are mainly responsible for maintaining normal bicarbonate levels. The CO2 level is interpreted with other results to aid in medical diagnoses.
5. Albumin (Alb)
Albumin is the most significant portion of total blood protein. Modest decreases in albumin may be seen in people with low thyroid gland function and protein-losing conditions. Decreased blood albumin may indicate many disorders, including poor nutrition and advanced liver disease.
6. Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme found primarily in bone and the liver. It is commonly increased when the bile duct is blocked, which may be caused by gallstones. Elevated levels may indicate the presence of bone or liver disorders.
7. Bilirubin (Bil) Total
Bilirubin is the primary pigment in bile and a significant product of normal red cell breakdown. It helps evaluate liver function and various anemias and in evaluating jaundice and yellowing of the skin.
8. Aspartate Transaminase (AST)
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is an enzyme in the liver and cardiac and skeletal muscle. AST may rise in liver, heart, and muscle disorders. It can also increase following strenuous, prolonged exercise.
9. Transaminase (ALT)
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is an enzyme produced primarily in the liver, skeletal, and heart muscles.ALT rises in the instance of liver disease. ALT is present in the liver in a higher concentration than AST and is more specific for differentiating liver injury from muscle damage.
10. Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
Urea, measured as blood urea nitrogen (BUN), is a waste product derived from the natural breakdown of protein in the liver. Urea is excreted in the urine after blood is filtered through the kidneys. The urea nitrogen level reflects protein metabolism and the kidneys' effectiveness in purifying blood.
The BUN/creatinine ratio is calculated by dividing the urea nitrogen result by the creatinine result. This ratio can help determine whether elevated urea nitrogen is due to impaired kidney function or other factors such as dehydration, urinary blockage, or excessive blood loss.
If BUN and Creatinine results are within the normal reference range, the BUN/Creatinine ratio will not be reported (not applicable). Clinical Significance: The BUN/Creatinine ratio is helpful in the differential diagnosis of acute or chronic renal disease.
11. Total Protein
Urea, measured as blood urea nitrogen (BUN), is a waste product derived from the natural breakdown of protein in the liver. Urea is excreted in the urine after blood is filtered through the kidneys. The urea nitrogen level reflects protein metabolism and the kidneys' effectiveness in purifying blood.
12. Calcium (Ca)
Calcium is one of the most critical elements in the body. It is essential for maintaining and repairing bone and teeth, heart function, muscle function, and blood clotting. Ninety-nine percent of the calcium in your body is contained in your bones, and only one percent is in the blood. Although most of the calcium in the body is in the bones, the body regulates blood calcium levels very tightly since its functions are essential to health and performance.
13. Creatinine (Cr) with calculated eGFR
Creatinine is derived from muscles and released into the blood. It is removed from the body by the kidneys. When the creatinine level is elevated, a decrease in kidney function is suggested. For patients 50 years of age and older who identify as African-American, the upper reference range for creatinine is approximately 10-15% higher.
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) is a test for kidney damage. eGFR is calculated using your serum creatinine result, age, and gender. Creatinine is not sensitive to early renal impairment since it varies with age, gender, and ethnic background. If you are African American, your eGFR is estimated differently. Since race is not reported in this screening, you will need to use the written result associated with your race. To get an African American-specific result, you can multiply this result by 1.21 to get your true eGFR. The same reference ranges will apply.
14. Glucose
Glucose (“blood sugar”) is the chief energy source for all cells in the body. Glucose levels are regulated by hormones produced by your pancreas, including insulin. A glucose level outside the optimal range could signify that the body is not correctly creating or using insulin. These conditions are hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), prediabetes (elevated blood sugar), and diabetes (high blood sugar). For the most accurate result, you should fast (not eat or drink anything but water) for at least 8 hours before your screening. If you were not fasting at the time of your screening, you should interpret your result against an optimal range of less than 140 mg/dL.
When the doctor looks at your report of the CMP blood test panel, he organizes it in his mind according to body systems or possible diseases. The sodium, potassium, chloride, and total carbon dioxide measure the salt and acid-base balance of the body. The glucose level is how we diagnose diabetes. The BUN, Creatinine, and BUN to Creatinine ratio tell us how the kidneys function and can give us an idea about water balance and possible heart function. The calcium and phosphorus provide information on a possible endocrine disorder called hyperparathyroidism and can give information on possible bone disease and malabsorption. The total protein, albumin, and globulin can point to a liver problem, a kidney problem, or an immune disorder. The total direct bilirubin can be abnormal in liver disease and some blood diseases. The alkaline phosphatase, AST, and ALT can be irregular in liver disease.
The Lipids Panel:
Evaluates the risk for developing atherosclerosis (arterial plaque) and coronary heart disease. This test includes: Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio
This test requires fasting for 8 hours.
There are typically no symptoms or indicators of high cholesterol.
Examining your cholesterol is the only way to determine if you have high cholesterol. Your medical team can measure your cholesterol levels using a quick blood test known as a "lipid profile."
How Does a Cholesterol Test Work?
A quick blood sample is necessary for the cholesterol screening test. Before your cholesterol test, you might need to fast (without food or liquids) for eight to twelve hours. Ask your doctor for advice on how to get ready for the examination.
The Lipid Profile Panel Measures the Following Tests:
- LDL, also known as "bad" cholesterol, is a low-density lipoprotein. High LDL cholesterol levels can cause plaque to build up in your arteries, which can cause heart disease or stroke.
- HDL, also referred to as "good" cholesterol. Because high levels of HDL can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke, it is referred to as "good" cholesterol.
- Triglycerides are a form of blood fat that your body uses as fuel. Your heart attack and stroke risk can increase if you have high triglyceride levels and low HDL or high LDL cholesterol. After eating, the energy that is not needed immediately is converted into triglycerides and transported to fat cells for storage. A normal triglyceride level is about 45-150 mg/dL. Elevated levels (hypertriglyceridemia) are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, especially when accompanied by high cholesterol levels. Extremely high triglyceride levels (greater than 1,000 mg/dL) can cause pancreatitis. Triglycerides should be measured after fasting for at least eight hours.
- Total cholesterol, the sum of your blood's HDL, LDL, and triglyceride levels, is the level of cholesterol. It is a fatty substance that circulates in the blood; cholesterol is essential to cell membranes, certain hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids. A healthy total cholesterol level is 120-200 mg/dL. Elevated total cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) is known to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, but it is more helpful to look at specific types of cholesterol. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) -- so-called "bad" cholesterol -- can deposit cholesterol in artery walls, causing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). But high-density lipoproteins (HDL) -- so-called "good" cholesterol -- help clear cholesterol from the body and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The National Cholesterol Education Program recommends that people try to achieve a total cholesterol level below 200 mg/dL, an LDL level below 100 mg/dL, and an HDL level of at least 40 mg/dL.
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