An MCV blood test is an essential tool for understanding and monitoring your overall health. This test measures the mean corpuscular volume (MCV), which provides vital information about the size of your red blood cells. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the importance of MCV testing, its inclusion in a complete blood count (CBC) panel, and how it can help detect various medical conditions, such as blood disorders and other health conditions. Additionally, if you need to get an MCV blood test or any other blood test, consider using a mobile phlebotomy service like Speedy Sticks. With mobile phlebotomy, a trained professional will come to your home or office to perform the blood draw, making the process more convenient and less time-consuming.

Furthermore, we will discuss who may require an MCV blood test based on symptoms or pre-existing medical conditions that warrant regular monitoring. We'll also explore high versus low MCV results and their potential causes, as well as strategies to normalize abnormal levels through dietary changes or medical interventions.

Finally, interpreting MCV test results can be complex due to several factors that affect accuracy; therefore, we'll highlight the importance of discussing these findings with a healthcare professional. To conclude our discussion on MCV blood tests, we'll introduce you to, a convenient and affordable way to access laboratory testing services online. It is important to note that, when interpreting MCV test results, it is crucial to compare your MCV to the reference ranges provided by the laboratory. These reference ranges are based on the results of a large sample of healthy people and are associated with the equipment and procedures of the laboratory that conducts the test.

Understanding the MCV Blood Test

The mean corpuscular volume (MCV) blood test is a crucial diagnostic tool used to measure the average size of red blood cells and check for signs of anemia, including red cell distribution width (RDW). It is included in a complete blood count (CBC), which is a standard laboratory test conducted by licensed professionals in healthcare settings. The MCV test, along with other RBC indices, is an important component of routine blood tests and can help diagnose different types of anemia and provide valuable information about one's overall health, including identifying a large number of atypically large or small red blood cells that may indicate certain conditions.

MCV blood test high low

Importance of Measuring Red Blood Cell Size

An accurate measurement of red blood cell size allows doctors to identify potential issues with oxygen transportation throughout the body, as larger or smaller than normal cells may not function optimally. This can cause sensations of exhaustion, lassitude, and breathlessness—all signs that something might be wrong with the body's oxygen distribution.

Inclusion in the CBC Panel

Apart from measuring MCV levels, the CBC panel also includes other important markers like hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit percentage, white blood cell count (WBC differential), and platelet count, providing comprehensive insights into various aspects related to your overall well-being.

The MCV exam is a key way to measure the size of red blood cells and can give significant insight into an individual's wellbeing. By understanding who needs to take the MCV test and why, healthcare professionals can make more informed decisions when caring for their patients.

Who Needs an MCV Blood Test?

A doctor may request an MCV test as part of a complete blood count (CBC) if they suspect that a person has anemia or presents symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, or pale skin. MCV testing can also be used to assess particular medical issues, including the cause of anemia, the risk of heart disease, and the outlook for some cancers and long-term renal illnesses.

Symptoms Indicating Potential Need for Testing

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pale skin

Medical Conditions Requiring Regular Monitoring

The MCV blood test is also useful in monitoring the progress of various health issues, like:

  1. Cancers with prognostic implications related to red blood cell size
  2. Chronic kidney disease patients who require ongoing evaluation

MCV testing is significant in recognizing numerous medical issues and can be beneficial in giving an understanding of a person's wellbeing. To accurately assess the significance of MCV test results, it is critical to distinguish between high and low readings.

High vs Low MCV Results

Abnormal levels of MCV, whether high or low, could indicate various underlying issues affecting red blood cell production. It is essential to understand the causes behind these abnormal results and their potential implications for your health.

Causes behind high MCV levels

High MCV levels are a sign of macrocytic anemia, which can result from conditions like liver disease or a vitamin B12 deficiency. Elevated MCV could be due to alcohol misuse, hypothyroidism, or medications like antiretrovirals for HIV.

Factors leading to low MCV values

In contrast, low MCV results point towards microcytic anemias, typically resulting from iron deficiencies or thalassemia. These conditions cause smaller than average red blood cells due to inadequate hemoglobin synthesis. Additional causes of low MCV may include lead poisoning and chronic inflammation.

Taking note of your specific test outcomes will help you better understand the next steps in addressing any abnormalities with a healthcare professional's guidance.

High and low MCV results can have a variety of causes, but fortunately, there are several ways to address them. Let's explore how we can regulate these amounts with dietary and medical treatments.

Normalizing Your High or Low MCV Levels

Depending on the specific cause of your abnormal levels, different treatments may be recommended to normalize them. For instance, macrocytic anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency might require supplementation with this essential nutrient, while microcytic anemias caused by iron deficiency may necessitate dietary changes or iron supplements.

Addressing Nutritional Deficiencies through Diet and Supplementation

  • Vitamin B12: Incorporate foods rich in vitamin B12, such as fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, and fortified cereals, into your diet. Alternatively, consider taking a daily supplement if you're unable to meet your needs through food alone.
  • Iron: Increase intake of iron-rich foods like red meat, beans, lentils, and spinach; additionally, explore options for over-the-counter iron supplements.

Medical Interventions for More Severe Cases

In some cases where nutritional deficiencies are severe or underlying medical conditions persistently affect MCV levels despite lifestyle adjustments (e.g., chronic kidney disease), it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional who can recommend appropriate treatment plans tailored specifically for individual circumstances.

Normalizing your high or low MCV levels can be achieved through dietary and supplement changes, as well as medical interventions in more severe cases. Interpreting MCV test results requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure accuracy; it is also important to discuss the results with a healthcare professional.

Interpreting MCV Test Results

It is important to note that certain conditions, like recent blood transfusions or mixed anemias, can also affect MCV results; therefore, healthcare providers must take individual patient histories into account when interpreting test outcomes properly. Consult with your doctor to understand the implications of your specific results.

Factors Affecting Accurate Interpretation

  • Blood transfusions: Receiving a recent blood transfusion may temporarily alter red blood cell size and skew MCV values.
  • Mixed anemias: The presence of more than one type of anemia in a person can complicate the interpretation of MCV levels.
  • Patient history: Certain medications, medical conditions, and lifestyle factors might influence red blood cell production and consequently impact MCV readings.

importance of Discussing Results with a Healthcare Professional

Chatting with your healthcare provider about the outcomes of your examination is essential for understanding how they relate to you. Your physician will assess all relevant aspects to make informed decisions regarding your test results. Remember that self-diagnosis or treatment without proper guidance from a qualified professional could be harmful to your health. Always consult with a healthcare provider before taking any action based on laboratory test outcomes.

Interpreting MCV test results is a complex process that requires careful consideration of various factors. With the right resources and guidance from a healthcare professional, one can gain an understanding of their health status. Moving on to the next heading, "Affordable Access to MCV Testing at," we will explore how this website provides an easy and affordable way for individuals to access testing services online.

Affordable Access to MCV Testing at

If you're interested in getting affordable access to the MCV blood test as part of a complete blood count (CBC) panel, consider purchasing it through They offer comprehensive panels, including CBC containing MCV measurements, among others, so everyone has the opportunity to maintain optimal wellness without breaking the bank.

Benefits of Using for Testing Needs

  • No doctor's visit is required. Order lab tests online and get tested at a nearby location.
  • Affordability: Save up to 80% on lab tests compared to traditional labs.
  • Confidentiality: Your privacy is protected with secure online results available within days.

How to Order and Receive Test Results Online

  1. Select your desired lab tests from their extensive list of options, including the CBC panel with MCV measurement.
  2. Purchase your chosen tests securely through their website using major credit cards.
  3. Visit one of over 2,000 participating locations nationwide for sample collection (no appointment is needed).
  4. Your confidential results will be emailed directly to you within days after sample collection. Consult with your healthcare provider if necessary regarding any abnormal findings or concerns about your health status.


The MCV blood test measures the average size of your red blood cells and is used to diagnose anemia and other blood disorders. It is one of the red blood cell indices that is included in a common blood test called a complete blood count (CBC). The MCV test measures the volume of your red blood cells and is typically done as part of a CBC test, which also measures your white blood cells, platelets, and red blood cell count. If you are interested in ordering a common blood test, such as the MCV blood test, and receiving your results online, you can easily do so through your healthcare provider or a reputable online lab testing service. This is a convenient way to monitor your general health and stay on top of any potential blood disorders.

High MCV levels can be a sign of macrocytic anemia, such as pernicious anemia, which is frequently due to a deficiency in vitamin B12 or folic acid. Low MCV levels may indicate microcytic anemia, which can result from blood loss or a bone marrow issue. An increased MCV count may also be a sign of vitamin deficiency-related megaloblastic anemia.

If you receive abnormal MCV results, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment. By using, you can get affordable access to the MCV blood test and other laboratory tests to help you maintain optimal wellness.


FAQs Related to the MCV Blood Test

What level of MCV is concerning?

An MCV level outside the normal range (80–100 femtoliters) may be concerning. Low MCV values indicate microcytic anemia, while high levels suggest macrocytic anemia. However, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for accurate interpretation and diagnosis.

What is the significance of MCV in a blood test?

The mean corpuscular volume (MCV) measures the average size of red blood cells in a blood sample. It helps diagnose different types of anemia and monitor the response to treatment or nutritional interventions.

Should I be worried if my MCV is high?

A high MCV could be a sign of alcoholism, vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, or other medical conditions that can cause macrocytic anemia. While it's not always a cause for concern, discussing your results with a healthcare professional can help determine appropriate actions.

Does high MCV make you tired?

A high MCV might contribute to fatigue due to its association with certain types of anemia that affect oxygen-carrying capacity in the bloodstream. Anemic individuals often experience weakness and exhaustion as their bodies struggle to meet energy demands.


Overall, the MCV blood test is an important tool for monitoring red blood cell size and identifying potential health issues. High or low MCV levels can indicate a range of conditions, from nutritional deficiencies to more serious blood disorders. It's crucial to discuss your results with a healthcare professional and take steps to address any abnormalities.

If you're looking for affordable access to MCV testing and other laboratory tests, offers convenient, affordable lab tests and fast turnaround times on results. Check out their discounted panels today!

Take control of your health with Order an MCV blood test panel today and get the answers you need in no time.



  1. MCV Blood Test | Cleveland Clinic
  2. MCV Test |
  3. MCV Levels | Medical News Today
  4. Does High MCV Mean Cancer? | Healthline
  5. MCV Blood Test |