Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Products and Costs

Did you know that testosterone deficiency has a prevalence of up to 40% in adult males in the United States? A man is deficient in testosterone when his T levels fall below 300 ng/dL of blood. Although this is slightly worrisome news, there are multiple testosterone replacement options you can take advantage of these days.
This article focuses on some of the most important testosterone products in 2023. Keep reading to learn key facts, statistics, price ranges, and optimal dosages related to your favorite testosterone products.
Top Testosterone Replacement Therapy Options You Have in 2023
Fortunately, there are many ways you can get more testosterone into your system. There are patches, pellets, gels, injections, and even oral capsules that you can take once or twice a day. If you don't really fancy having to inject testosterone once a week, you can take capsules orally and reap all the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy.
The following is a quick list of testosterone replacement products you can take advantage of to increase blood T levels. Administration of T products should only be done according to the strict guidance of your TRT doctor.
FDA-Approved Testosterone Brands
- Androderm: Androderm is a transdermal testosterone patch that delivers testosterone through the skin. It is applied daily to maintain stable testosterone levels in men with low testosterone due to certain medical conditions[1]. This option is no longer used by most doctors since its efficacy was not good and it caused skin irritation.
- AndroGel: AndroGel is a topical testosterone gel that is applied directly to the skin, typically on the upper arms, shoulders, or abdomen. It is designed for daily use to help maintain consistent testosterone levels for men with low testosterone[1]. It comes in two concentrations.
- Fortesta: Fortesta is another topical testosterone gel applied to the skin, usually on the front and inner thighs. It is used for testosterone replacement therapy in males with low testosterone levels[2].
- Testim: Testim is a testosterone gel applied daily to the skin, typically on the upper arms and shoulders, to help maintain consistent testosterone levels in men with low testosterone due to certain medical conditions[1].
- Depo-Testosterone: Depo-Testosterone is an injectable form of testosterone prescribed for men with low testosterone levels. It is administered by a healthcare professional at regular intervals, typically every two to four weeks[2].
- Testopel is a subcutaneous testosterone pellet that a medical professional implants under the skin. The pellets release testosterone over an extended period, typically three to six months[2].
- Aveed: Aveed is an injectable testosterone undecanoate solution designed for long-acting testosterone replacement therapy. It is administered by a healthcare professional at regular intervals, typically every 10 weeks after an initial loading phase[2].
- Natesto: Natesto is a testosterone nasal gel that is applied inside the nostrils for testosterone replacement therapy. It is used to treat men with low testosterone levels due to certain medical conditions[2].
- Vogelxo: Vogelxo is a topical testosterone gel applied daily to the skin, usually on the upper arms, shoulders, or abdomen. It is used for testosterone replacement therapy in males with low testosterone levels[2].
- Xyosted: Xyosted is a subcutaneous testosterone enanthate autoinjector for weekly self-administration. It is prescribed for men with low testosterone levels due to certain medical conditions[2].
- Jatenzo: Jatenzo is an oral testosterone undecanoate capsule that the FDA has approved to treat certain types of hypogonadism in men. It is taken orally to help maintain stable testosterone levels in men with low testosterone [2]
Testosterone Treatment Prices and Dosing
Androgel 1%
Price for a 30-day supply (in USD): 55-85 for the generic pump, 90-190 for 50 mg generic packets; also, around 650 USD for Brand 50 mg packets
Delivery mode: pump and/or packet
Dosage: 25 mg/2.5 g or 50mg/5g
Where to apply shoulders, upper arms or on the abdomen
Starting dosage: 50 mg daily dose early in the morning
When to measure: in the morning before applying the gel
Androgel 1.62%
Price for a 30-day supply (in USD): 40-140 for the generic pump, 620-640 for Brand pump
Delivery mode: pump and/or packet
Dosage: 20.25 mg or 40.5 mg
Where to apply shoulders or upper arms
Starting dosage: 40.5 mg daily dose early in the morning
When to measure in the morning before applying the gel
Testim 1%
Price for a 30-day supply (in USD): around 600-610 for packets
Delivery mode: pump
Dosage: 20.25 mg per actuation
Where to apply shoulders or upper arms
Starting dosage: one pump on each shoulder for a total of 40.5 mg early in the morning, it can also be applied on inner thighs
When to measure: in the morning before applying the gel
Fortesta 2%
Delivery mode: pump
Dosage: 50 mg or 100 mg
Where to apply shoulders or upper arms
Starting dosage: two pumps daily in the morning on each thigh
When to measure: 2 hours after applying a dose
Price for a 30-day supply (in USD): 100-350 for 1% pump, 120-350 for generic packets
Delivery mode: shoulders or upper arms
Dosage: 50 mg from 4 actuations of 12.5 mg testosterone
Where to apply shoulders or upper arms
Starting dosage: 50 mg daily in the morning
When to measure before applying a dose
Delivery mode: patch applied at night after 10 PM
Dosage: 2 mg per day, 2.5 mg per day, 4 mg per day or 5 mg per day
Where to apply: abdomen, upper arms, thighs, back
Starting dosage: 4 mg per day
When to measure: 12 hours after skin application
Price for a 30-day supply (in USD): 195-300 for 5.5 mg/actuation
Delivery mode: intranasal pump
Dosage: 5.5 mg per pump actuation
Where to apply intranasal
Starting dosage: 11 mg (2 actuations) 3 times per day at an interval of 6-8 hours
When to measure: 2 hours after nasal application
Price for a 30-day supply (in USD): around 950 for 237 mg BID pill
Delivery mode: oral capsule
Dosage: 158 mg, 198 mg, or 237 mg
Where to apply oral
Starting dosage: 237 mg capsule twice a day (one in the morning, one in the evening)
When to measure: 6 hours after the morning dose
Delivery mode: pellet
Dosage: 75 mg per pellet
Where to apply can be inserted under the skin, in the fat of the buttocks, thigh or lower abdominal wall
Starting dosage: 150-450 mg every 3 to 6 months
When to measure: at the end of the dosing interval
Delivery mode: injectable solution
Dosage: 100 mg/10 ml vial, 200 mg/1-10 ml vial or 750 mg/3 ml vial
Where to apply: intramuscular in the glute or thigh muscles
Starting dosage: 750 mg (3 ml) in the beginning, then after 4 weeks then after every 10 weeks; 75-100 mg/week also or 150-200 mg every 2 weeks
When to measure: injections are administered every 10 weeks and T measurement should be done somewhere in between injections (after 5 weeks or so since the last one)
Price for a 30-day supply (in USD): 455-575 for 50 mg, 75 mg and 100 mg injections
Delivery mode: the solution is placed in the autoinjector
Dosage: 50 mg, 75 mg or 100 mg respectively
Where to apply: in the abdominal region under the skin
Starting dosage: 75 mg applied under the skin once a week
When to measure T levels: trough concentrations are measured 7 days after the most recent dose and only after 6 weeks since the beginning of treatment.
These are just a few popular testosterone replacement products available in the US. Keep in mind that you can also procure testosterone enanthate in 5 ml (1000mgs) vials from certain pharmacies. This option usually costs less than $30 for a 30-day supply and the testosterone can be injected by each patient without requiring a doctor's visit.
Similarly, TRT patients can also choose to use generic testosterone cypionate or enanthate as 400 mg to 800 mg per month that can be injected into muscle (deep IM or shallow IM) or under belly fat (subcutaneous) . The price for a 30-day supply starts at around $30 and it can go up to $85 . (Source: GoodRx). Other affordable sources of testosterone treatments can be purchased from compounding pharmacies like Empower in Houston.
Check Out How AUA and ES Guidelines Differ on Testosterone Ranges
AUA stands for American Urology Association and ES stands for Endocrine Society. They provide detailed insights and standards on how to interpret hormone levels and blood test results. In some cases, these committees can give different interpretations when it comes to testosterone levels.
AUA Guidelines: What is a Normal Testosterone Range and Follow Up?
According to the American Urology Association (AUA), you should measure your testosterone levels in the morning in a fasted state to get accurate results. The normal range is between 450 ng/dL and 600 ng/dL of blood.
If your levels fall below 300 ng/dL of blood, you are considered to be deficient in testosterone. If you start testosterone replacement therapy, your first evaluation should be between 2 and 4 weeks after beginning treatment. You will also have to attend follow-up visits 6 to 12 months after starting TRT.
ES Guidelines: What is a Normal Testosterone Range and Follow Up?
On the other hand, the Endocrine Society (ES) gives slightly different reference ranges. For example, the normal testosterone range is between 264 ng/dL and 916 ng/dL of blood. The best moment to test your T levels is early in the morning in a fasted state.
Testosterone deficiency is confirmed if your T levels fall below 264 ng/dL of blood. TRT follow up visits should be done after 2-3 months and after 6 to 12 months from the start of your testosterone replacement protocol.
How to Get Your Own Affordable Testosterone Test
Remember that now it's easier than ever to check your testosterone levels and see if you are a suitable candidate for testosterone replacement therapy. If your T levels fall below 350 ng/dL and have low testosterone symptoms then you should talk with a TRT doctor and see what testosterone replacement options you have.
Check your testosterone levels quickly and confidentially by ordering a total and free testosterone test from DiscountedLabs today.
Key Terminology and Facts About Testosterone
It's important to also have some basic understanding of how testosterone works in the body, so you can make better decisions when talking with your TRT doctor. For instance, the Leydig cells in your testicles produce more than 95% of your testosterone.
Testosterone daily production ranges from 3 mg to 11 mg and it peaks early in the morning. Healthy adult males have the highest concentration of testosterone early in the morning and it gradually drops throughout the day. That's why the best time to measure your T levels is early in the morning to get accurate results.
Natural Testosterone Short half-life - your testosterone has a half-life between 10 and 100 minutes. It peaks once every 3 hours as the luteinizing hormone stimulates the Leydig cells to produce more testosterone. With the passing of time, these cells become less sensitive to LH and they produce increasingly low T levels. It's estimated that males lose about 1% of their testosterone production every year after the age of 30.
2 percent is free; about 2% of your total testosterone level is free. This means that it circulates freely through the bloodstream and it can bind to other organs or tissues. 70% of your testosterone is bound to sex hormone-binding globulin and nearly 30% is bound to albumin.
Testosterone metabolism - fractions of your testosterone are converted into other hormones and substances. For example, from 5% to 8% of your testosterone is converted into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone is responsible for prostate maturation and the growth of the body, as well as facial and pubic hair.
About 0.3%–0.5% of your testosterone is also converted into estradiol by the aromatase enzyme. Some of the main roles of estradiol in men are involved with libido and bone health.
Trough concentration - this refers to the lowest concentration of a drug in the bloodstream immediately before injecting or administering another dose. It's highly recommended to measure your testosterone levels at trough concentration because this will produce the most accurate results. Based on these results, TRT doctors can make more accurate adjustments to your protocol.
Find Out More About Testosterone Products!
This is just a brief overview of some of the most popular testosterone products in the US, but there's plenty more high-quality information out there. Visit Excelmale.com and learn everything you need to know about testosterone, TRT, how to interpret your blood test data, and how to tweak your protocol for optimal results.
Also, you can download the Testosterone Replacement Options paper from this link.
[1] "FDA-approved testosterone formulations include the topical gel, transdermal patch, buccal system (applied to upper gum or inner cheek), and injection. The manufacturers of two prescription..." URL: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/postmarket-drug-safety-information-patients-and-providers/testosterone-information
[2] "by Drugs.com Brand names of testosterone include Androderm, AndroGel, Fortesta, Testim, Depo-Testosterone, Testopel, Aveed, Natesto, Vogelxo, Xyosted, Jatenzo, Tlando, and Kyzatrex. Testosterone is an androgen indicated for testosterone replacement therapy in males." URL: https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/brands-testosterone-3510863/
Recommended Sources:
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Options | Excel Male TRT Forum
Testosterone Replacement Products in the U.S.: Video Review by Nelson Vergel - ExcelMale
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